Frontline BioEnergy recently participated in the 2009 International Conference on Thermochemical Conversion Science (TC Biomass 2009). Frontline was represented by Frontline’s manager of Process Development, John Reardon, and process engineer, Paul Evans. Day one of the conference focused on gasification, which is Frontline’s primary area of expertise. Participants, coming from all over the world, had the opportunity to meet and discuss ideas with the best and brightest minds in various fields of biomass research.
Frontline presented recent research work by Evans, Reardon, and T.J. Paskach entitled “Detailed Kinetic Modeling to Predict Syngas Composition from Biomass Gasification in a PBFB Reactor.” This research consisted of dividing the gasifier into a series of smaller, idealized reactors, and using a kinetic mechanism to predict composition of the resulting producer gas. This work allows the evaluation of the impact of process variables such as temperature and pressure on gasifier performance.